Category: real estate info and tips
Common Practices That Can Damage Your Home Appliances
We all rely on appliances to make home life convenient and comfortable, but many of us make mistakes that cause appliances to break down or wear out faster than they should. These are some of the most common blunders: Washing MachineIf you have a mountain of laundry, it can be tempting to stuff as much…
Tips for Water-Smart Landscaping
Eye-catching yards can increase a homes curb appeal and boost its value, but gardening and lawn care account for a large chunk of household water consumption. The good news is that, whether you are environmentally conscious or just want to lower your water bill, you dont need to use a lot of water to have…
Is a Second Mortgage a Good Idea?
If you need money for home improvements, tuition or another purpose, you might be able to secure funds through a second mortgage. How Does a Second Mortgage Work? A second mortgage is a loan that allows a homeowner to borrow against the value of their house by using it as collateral. One option is to…
Pros and Cons of Putting Your Home in a Trust
After a person dies, family members typically go through the long, complicated probate process to decide the fate of the individuals assets. A trust explains how assets are to be distributed, but the process is much quicker since it doesnt involve courts. Putting your home in a trust could make things easier for your loved…
Why You Should Set a Firm Budget Before You Start Looking at Houses
When shopping for a new home, its easy to get carried away and bite off more than you can chew. Many people, particularly first-time buyers, get a pre-approval letter and spend the amount they were approved for, only to be overwhelmed by the total cost of homeownership. Consider All Potential Living ExpensesA mortgage lender will…
4 Tips to Pick the Right Artwork for Your Home
Keep these tips in mind when selecting artwork for your home. Golden Rule of Art Acquisition Surround yourself with works that truly inspire and excite you. Size and Scale Whether its a painting or a sculpture, try to maintain a sense of size and scale thats appropriate to the room. Consider the Atmosphere In each…
A Room to Play In
Game rooms are all about fun, but creating the perfectspace for recreationin your new house is serious business. In this digital age,a lot of parents are opting to feature a game room in their homes in order to promote family time that doesnt involve a screen. Its also ideal for social occasions, as guests will…
3 Pieces in Your Home You Never Knew You Could Paint
Creating the right look in your home can bring a huge sense of accomplishment, but we all know that home decor can get pricey quickly. Thankfully, a little paint and some creativity can be just the thing you need. Grab a paintbrush and get to work on these pieces in your home you never knew…